Monday, February 1, 2010

Dieting and (almost) black eyes

Wow, long time since my last post. I wish I was better about being consistent with posting. I love reading other blogs.

I've been doing more with my photography and I'm loving it! If anybody wants to do a shoot let me know! I think I'm going to go out on my lunch break and take some snow pictures while I can. I don't like being out in the cold but I have my camera and an 8GB card so I'm good to go (for as long as I can stand the cold).

Is anyone else dieting? I've been dieting and trying to work out (key word "trying") and I've gained weight. I've cut out soda, fried food and cut wayyyyy back on sweets... so why am I not losing a little? I've been eating breakfast (something I never use to do) and snacking on veggies and low fat cheese. I'm tired of it! I want to be in better shape! Any ideas, tips or encouragement you have would rock!

Have I ever mentioned that I love my husband? I do! He gets up every morning before me to let the dogs out and make me coffee. Some mornings he even makes me breakfast. He drives me to work when the roads are icy because I have a major case of Pagophobia (fear of ice). He gets rid of the mice we catch. He is great and I adore him! Well, I have a story on him... He hit me in the face a few weeks ago! He jumps out and scares me ALL THE TIME so I decided while he was letting the dogs out one night that I would hide on the other side of the door frame and scare him. He comes around the corner and I jump out and scream "BOO!" and his arms start to fly... right into my right eye! He felt awful and while it hurt it was also funny so I was laughing and crying at the same time while he hugged me and tried to check my eye out. It never turned black or anything (thank God) but it was sore the next day. I'm plotting my revenge :)

1 comment:

Megan and David Keller said...

hey meagan! One way that you can lose weight is do everything low sugar...and also, cut out the starches, breads, and pasta/rice for a couple of weeks. you should notice a big difference. that's pretty much phase 1 of the south beach diet except you cut out fruits also. phase 1 is just 2 weeks. i haven't worked out since before the wedding and have just continued w/phase 2 of the diet and i haven't gained, i've actually lost some poundage! :)
the south beach diet book is a quick easy read, i'd definitely recommend it!! i've lost 23lbs since i started.
i hope this helps... :)