Monday, February 1, 2010

Twice in one day!

Okay, I ventured out on my lunch break and took pictures of the snow around Har-Ber. I didn't wear my boots today (mistake) and now my socks and pants are all wet :( Sometimes I just get really excited and don't always think things through (don't tell Chris I admitted that) But I think I got some neat pictures!

Chris and I walked to the library on Saturday to return a book. Regrettably I did not take my camera (I was already carrying my hot chocolate). I took some pictures with my phone though...

These guys were everywhere! I think they were hungry (too bad we didn't take some old bread). And MAN were they loud!

Anyway, I'll post some of the pictures from my soggy walk later. I'm going to drink my hot tea and thaw out by my space heater.

1 comment:

Jana said...

Awww, somebody feed the ducks! I'm worried about them. =(