Friday, February 12, 2010

Meagan Day

We are nearing the two year mark of my dear grandpa's death. Two years ago on Valentines day he was taken to the hospital for what we thought was the stomach flu. He passed away the next morning with my grandma, mom, aunt, my sisters, my husband and I surrounding him.

My Pap (that is what we always called him) and I were so close and he taught me so many things. He taught me to shoot a gun, drive a nail, run a lawnmower, drive a car (Granny helped too) and how to refill my ice cream cone :) He made the only grilled cheese sandwiches I've ever liked (I think his secret was extra butter). We built a doll house together. When I was big into gymnastics he built me a balance beam in his back yard. I took his death hard because it was such a surprise and because I wasn't ready to let go (are we ever ready?).

I decided then that I never wanted to celebrate Valentines day again because the memories of that day come back and it just doesn't feel like a day to celebrate anything. Most Husbands and boyfriends would be more than happy to forget the holiday all together but not Chris. Last year was the first "Non valentines day" and on the Monday after Valentines day my dear husband brought me flowers to work and declared it "Meagan Day". Well, yesterday as I was getting ready for work he said "Happy Meagan day"... I had no idea what to expect from the day since we are on such a tight budget but he came by the bank right before my lunch break with a pretty red rose and took me to lunch at Taco Bueno. We hung out in front of the TV when I got home and I made a yummy dinner to celebrate "Meagan Day". I feel so lucky to have a husband that is sweet enough to give me a day to celebrate instead for Valentines day. Who knows what day "Meagan Day" will fall on next year.

Now that I'm teary eyed I'm bringing this post to an end.

1 comment:

wrensmommy said...

let that be a lesson to all husbands. :)

so sweet.