Monday, March 15, 2010
Tired with a side of blurry eyes
Chris has been sick since Wednesday and got so bad that he missed work on Saturday and went to the walk in clinic at walmart. The “medical professional” said “Something is out of whack. It could be a sinus infection so I’ll give you a Z Pack.” I could have saved $60 and said that much but I can’t write prescriptions! He is still not feeling very good but he has been on the Z pack since Saturday so hopefully he’ll be better soon. I’ve been making tea for him and keeping track of when he can have more Robitussin and ibuprofen. Since it all started with allergy and sinus crap his head and face hurt so I’ve even given him face massages (I wish I had a nurse like me when I am sick). I hate seeing him sick!
I haven’t been sleeping well the last few nights because he hasn’t been sleeping well. My back and shoulders hurt. My eyes are burning so I had to put in the drops that make everything blurry (Sorry for any typos).
We watched several episodes of “Undercover Boss” on last night… Good show! It’s really neat to see what people will say to the new guy.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Passed the 2 year mark! Thanks for the prayers!
I went to Bonnie's later to help with the kids and I don't think they know how much they helped me that night. I don't think Bonnie got much work done on her school stuff because sweet little Thomas was fussy and just wanted his mommy but Caroline kept me busy :) I love all three of them so much!
I am so ready for spring to take over and warm everything up! It has been so cold and yucky for so long. I am ready for hiking, camping and kayaking soon! I am loving that the sun is staying up longer! How much longer until daylight savings time starts? I want to work in my flower bed soon!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Meagan Day
My Pap (that is what we always called him) and I were so close and he taught me so many things. He taught me to shoot a gun, drive a nail, run a lawnmower, drive a car (Granny helped too) and how to refill my ice cream cone :) He made the only grilled cheese sandwiches I've ever liked (I think his secret was extra butter). We built a doll house together. When I was big into gymnastics he built me a balance beam in his back yard. I took his death hard because it was such a surprise and because I wasn't ready to let go (are we ever ready?).
I decided then that I never wanted to celebrate Valentines day again because the memories of that day come back and it just doesn't feel like a day to celebrate anything. Most Husbands and boyfriends would be more than happy to forget the holiday all together but not Chris. Last year was the first "Non valentines day" and on the Monday after Valentines day my dear husband brought me flowers to work and declared it "Meagan Day". Well, yesterday as I was getting ready for work he said "Happy Meagan day"... I had no idea what to expect from the day since we are on such a tight budget but he came by the bank right before my lunch break with a pretty red rose and took me to lunch at Taco Bueno. We hung out in front of the TV when I got home and I made a yummy dinner to celebrate "Meagan Day". I feel so lucky to have a husband that is sweet enough to give me a day to celebrate instead for Valentines day. Who knows what day "Meagan Day" will fall on next year.
Now that I'm teary eyed I'm bringing this post to an end.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I wanna be like Oprah
I will start with my moisturizer... I went from using MAC to using OLAY because it is cheaper and I LOVE IT! It is so much better than what I've used in the past. I have such dry skin and this stuff is just great!

My Copco to go mug! It is microwave and dishwasher safe! It keeps my coffee hot for a long time and it was less than $8 at Bed, Bath and Beyond! I can't find one that is dishwasher safe for that price anywhere else!

These are just a few of my favorite things! Hope you enjoyed this installment of "The Meagan Cooke Show" Brought to you by the letter "C" :-)
Monday, February 8, 2010
The right idea

Stupid groundhog!

This is the best stuff in the world! Go out and buy it NOW! It doesn't taste very good but MAN does it work! Also, I found some awesome tea at Harps (can't find it at walmart) it's Bigelow "I LOVE LEMON" Herbal tea...This stuff is great with a little honey in it!
I'm back at work now (with my tea and the wonder drug) and feeling a lot better except for the stupid snow that just keeps coming. Will winter ever end?? Just about time my yard thaws out it snows again! All the melted snow has turned to standing water and it's starting to look like a lake back there... The dogs are going to have to just swim around out there before much longer.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Spring fever

You think they will call me on dress code??
Who else is ready for the Superbowl? I always look forward to the commercials! The last several years the team I pick ends up winning so... being from the great state of Louisiana I'm going for the saints!

I don't really have much to talk about today so I will leave you with this...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Weird dream!

Monday, February 1, 2010
Twice in one day!
Chris and I walked to the library on Saturday to return a book. Regrettably I did not take my camera (I was already carrying my hot chocolate). I took some pictures with my phone though...
These guys were everywhere! I think they were hungry (too bad we didn't take some old bread). And MAN were they loud!
Anyway, I'll post some of the pictures from my soggy walk later. I'm going to drink my hot tea and thaw out by my space heater.
Dieting and (almost) black eyes
I've been doing more with my photography and I'm loving it! If anybody wants to do a shoot let me know! I think I'm going to go out on my lunch break and take some snow pictures while I can. I don't like being out in the cold but I have my camera and an 8GB card so I'm good to go (for as long as I can stand the cold).
Is anyone else dieting? I've been dieting and trying to work out (key word "trying") and I've gained weight. I've cut out soda, fried food and cut wayyyyy back on sweets... so why am I not losing a little? I've been eating breakfast (something I never use to do) and snacking on veggies and low fat cheese. I'm tired of it! I want to be in better shape! Any ideas, tips or encouragement you have would rock!
Have I ever mentioned that I love my husband? I do! He gets up every morning before me to let the dogs out and make me coffee. Some mornings he even makes me breakfast. He drives me to work when the roads are icy because I have a major case of Pagophobia (fear of ice). He gets rid of the mice we catch. He is great and I adore him! Well, I have a story on him... He hit me in the face a few weeks ago! He jumps out and scares me ALL THE TIME so I decided while he was letting the dogs out one night that I would hide on the other side of the door frame and scare him. He comes around the corner and I jump out and scream "BOO!" and his arms start to fly... right into my right eye! He felt awful and while it hurt it was also funny so I was laughing and crying at the same time while he hugged me and tried to check my eye out. It never turned black or anything (thank God) but it was sore the next day. I'm plotting my revenge :)